We can start this introduction as they do on most websites: "Moses Brentu Arthur is an acclaimed serial entrepreneur, author, and speaker." That is true! But that is not Moses. MBA, as fondly called, wears many hats as driven by his imperative to DO.


Introducing Moses B. Arthur - The Genius. The Enigma. The Mogul. The Man! 


Moses possesses the rare ability to turn thoughts into things (it isn't magic but instead the application of timeless principles).  Moses is capable of building bridges, emptying trenches, destroying fortresses, unleashing mortars, designing and arming sea-going vessels, manufacturing indestructible chariots and constructing secret pathways under rivers – He is a solver of problems.


05 Aug
Accra, Ghana
15 May
Accra, Ghana
14 May
Accra, Ghana
21 Apr
Nairobi, Kenya


"I won't shudder to say that Moses is daring for sharing all these secrets through his personal experience of failures and successes but I suppose his real passion of seeing others succeed alongside himself makes him a true success"

Vusi Thembekwayo | Entrepreneur, Speaker & Investor

"Moses is a student of company systems - great ones, good ones, weak ones and failed ones that is why the wisdom he shares in building businesses are practical"

Dr. Ubong King | Covener, Thinkation

"Moses has turned his challenges into learning moments and even though he may be young, he certainly has weathered many storms to earn him a place at the table of men

Kojo Ansah Mensah | CEO, Mobus Properties