Moses is a consummate business professional! On and off stage. He doesn't just talk business – he lives it. For real, he walks, speaks, and breathes it! So you see, he does more than merely inspire revolution; he's the guy that initiates the revolution by starting the fire that burns down the old city. The true mark of a speaker is a DOer. After all, action speaks louder than words, and his personal story is the best definition!


Moses has graced stages far and wide on the face of the Earth and NEVER leaves any of them without DARING his audience to DO. Leaning on his five years of experience in starting and running successful businesses, Moses has never left an audience the same, and the results have always been overwhelming. His catchphrases (such as It Shall Never Be Well With Poverty) have turned into songs his audiences take into their personal and business lives!

Dr. Obed Obeng-Addae (CEO, Cosmopolitan TV) observed that "Moses carries a remarkable aura in his speech and a notable magnetism in his writings that is impossible to break from till he carries you to the very end of his presentation"